Berlin kiosk shop window with magazines, pictures and hanging knitted vests for children
A steel bridge painted with graffiti stretches over a river surrounded by dense trees
Photo detail, young people in front of a colourful wall
The world time clock and the television tower of Berlin on the Alexanderplatz from the frog perspective
Two girls test a violin at the stand of a well-attended flea market in Berlin
Close-up of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin with the inscription "Pariser Platz".
The brother kiss on the Berlin wall as most famous part of the East Side Gallery
Yellow building of philharmonic hall in Berlin with other tall buildings in background
Streetart on a Berlin wall with graffiti and overgrown with ivy
Two people with shopping bags stroll through a street of Berlin and look at the window of a designer store.
Gilded dome of a synagogue in Berlin reflects the sun's rays.
Streetart on a wall of Berlin of naked dancing people throwing confeetti into the air
People walking or laying on the grass of the park next to the zoo in Berlin
The famous glass dome of the Berlin Bundestag reflects the sun's rays
A small flower store at the corner of a building with many different bouquets at the entrance
Young people taking a boat ride on the Spree river at sunset and talking with drinks in hand
An old wodden door painted with wild graffiti signs in different colors
A golden sunset illuminates a whole field with bicycles and walkers
A golden sunset behind the rooftop terrace with fairy lights of the iconic Klunkerkranich nightclub in Berlin
A large crowd sits on the Kulturstrand next to the Spree River in Berlin listening to a concert

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